Welcome to Static Quo
the Constant Skeptic Blog
At Static Quo, we take a good look at what is, what could be, and what will be if nothing is done, and done with haste. The Static Quo bloggers try to provide well considered, well sourced op-ed pieces for you to evaluate. Doing what we can to help you find out what in the world is going on...and what you can do about it is our purpose for being here. If we provide any useful information that helps anyone realize the need for drastic change, the effort will have been well worth it.
Our Media pages provide information via a variety of mediums. Articles, videos, and documentaries from independent sources all across the web are represented.
There are pages that have videos that we think may be of interest to you. You can watch right from Static Quo without navigating away, but the videos are always available to watch on either YouTube or Vimeo with the link provided, if you choose.
Our Podcasts section provides links to independent and left-leaning podcasts hosted on Blubrry, YouTube, LibSyn, and other sites.
We think it’s important to get news/ideas in many different forms, so we provide a list of recommended books on topics that we discuss on our site. We also post some audiobooks from YouTube (as before, you may watch here or there). All are free.
We have a forum to answer any questions we may not have foreseen on our FAQs page, and concerns you may have.
After you've done all this, been through all this, you can check out our groups, where we try to offer subjects that will encourage conversation among members. You can also join one of the groups solely dedicated to entertainment. You can steep yourself in some BAD poetry, and show yourself that it COULD be worse. You could be having to read this poetry all the time! Hey, that's one good thing. That's all it takes, sometimes. Seeing things from a different perspective can make a world of difference. We invite you to check out our perspective and the facts on which it is based.
Explore the world from a different perspective with Static Quo! Here, you can engage in critical thinking, and explore society and the political situation in this country from an independent point of view. Join us, and let's challenge the static quo!
We wish you wisdom as well as long life and health!