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Writer's picturecriticalcynic

Hello, and Welcome!

Updated: Oct 21, 2023

Hello, and welcome! This entry is Green Party oriented blog post where Greens and those interested in the Green Party can come and share, discuss and vent on issues they care about. We aim to awaken the blind to the truth and the reality that corporate propaganda “news” (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, MSNBC) keep buried.

America has been taken over by multinational corporations that have total control over every branch of our government. Our Congress does not serve the will of the people or our interests and only serves wealthy oligarchs. The result? A failing economy that has created income inequality, increased poverty, a destroyed middle-class and an angry,

unhealthy citizenry. Wars for profit that have killed American lives and the lives of innocents on foreign soil. Wars that eat up billions of dollars that could be used to fix our infrastructure, improve our education and bring about a new era of prosperity in America.

The Democratic-Republican Party have successfully worked together to lead America to ruin while giving the illusion of gridlock and obstruction. It is nothing but rhetoric and political theater to further divide us against each other. Each election, it also serves to give the illusion of choice to the electorate and that their votes actually choose their desired candidate.

It is the oligarchs and their puppets that are systematically destroying our planet while publicly either denying it or pretending to care about it. Earth is what gives us life and sustains life. So much of it is being destroyed in the name of profit and Capitalism. From forests being destroyed, to polluted oceans, polluted air, contaminated drinking water, to vanishing animals and species. We must fight to reclaim our beautiful planet if the human race is to survive. The Democratic-Republican Party will do nothing to save it as it would impact corporate profits. The Green Party on the other hand, will.

The Green Party's agenda is to reclaim our nation and our government back from the 1% and return it to We The People. To read the entire Green Party platform, please visit their website here:

As a member of this group you can post articles about anything you care about and let your opinion be heard! Want to sound off on current events? Post it here and tell us. Have any questions? Just ask and someone may just know the answer.

Anything you post will approved by group administrators except the following:

Posts that support any Democrat or Republican candidate for office or politician currently serving in office.

Support for the Democratic-Republican Party agenda.

Support or advocacy for acts of violence. We are peaceful, non-violent activists. Hate or bigotry to anyone based race, sexuality, religion or gender.

Anything else is fair game. We are awakened to reality and will not spread propaganda, only the truth. Enjoy your membership and tell your friends about us!

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